MichaelsExplorations: AFK= Stick drift
stephenfoster4757: Good time for Carnivores to make experience food and save it in the cryo freezer. With so many squirrels in the event, it is easy to cook up some Squirrel Stew = 10% experience or 20% if Carnivore.
kennyvandierendonck2389: yesterday we left every server with afk players, so this event failed for them. reason. in the evening those who want to complete this event are in the minority, there is1 person who wants to do the event, against 5 to 10 afk players.... let em spin the whole night with no rewards
mookie714: I don’t know why people get bent out of shape about AFKers. This event is so easy that it’s really boring if too many people do it because there’s nothing to kill and you just have to wait for the bots to waddle through their path.
TimD333: Sometimes I wonder if a server has only afk'ers and nobody actually starts the event. Would be tragic for them but hilarious at the same time.
trayfunk420: Real Question: Why such negativity towards AFKrs? Think about it - AFKrs are not effecting your play. They are literally AWAY. So for those of you who are angry about them during the event, please share your reasons. I am genuinely interested in your thought process.
orthex13: As an active player I am against AFKing during these events. World events get left undone, or are under manned because everyone is AFK at helvatia, or point pleasant. I have gone to the event, many times, only to see every one sitting, spinning and doing nothing. I have waited for another active player to show up to start. The timer ended, many times, because no one ever showed up. And even though I can solo the event, I dont give lazy players handouts like that.
Not saying dont do it, just letting you know how the other side feels.
Side note...i was one, of many, who nuked helvatia during the event...and why its now a "safe zone".
crazedmancer2122: But will it help if I crash the server with my pepper shaker?
itsKroci: I do the death afk method
csbshaw1: Pro tip: Don't forget that the event is a great time to drum up support for the Free Watoga movement. No donation box should be without a flyer or two. Do your part, help spread the word!
bigbow62: The only problem with the donation box is that many times, I've dropped goodies off for lower level players and watched high-level players zoom in and grab everything like they really need it ! Anyone over level 100 shouldn't touch it. I just find a low-level player and pull them aside or drop in their camp.
You should make it so you can see how many characters each player has, and their levels
Thank you for the video
ghostswat21oo35: Is there possible way for ps5, I tried to do afk but my game crashes, idk how to fix that
jaidenmorales1263: What about ps4
NotaAlien6647: I sit and play the instruments, at lvl 1100 I have no need to steal all the xp from the lower level players.
Whollysnap: I’ve been to 6 events… 2 of them had a server crash, another one had no one actually start the event in time (I was there six minutes past the hour) and the last three had myself and maybe one or two others actually doing the event.
I got one of the new masks that I wanted and that’s me for this event… I’m not a douche that’s gonna require other players help me progress. Pathetic
texasweeds: Yeeee!! No wait ugghh
GWMsharpshot21: I hate fashnaut so much everyone afks it and fills a servers up with afkers that don't do events and they made the event in the green zone so it can't be nuked. For me i don't care about the dumb masks yeah the can be used as trading objects but i don't trade i got everything i wanted plus i know how too dupe father winter power armor helmets so i just sale those instead
RobCoElite: This was a great video! Thank you!
StartGedrückt: If I weren't afk, I would have had time to write a comment
pinkfloydvk: If your later signing in after the hours might want to get a headstart on intestines go to frost between wixon homestead and gilman lumbar mill you chickens and rabbits between whitesprings servicebans entrance and whitesprings bunker. And grafton for rad toad eggs
Oneil1570: I’ve been very lucky this time around. Already have 2 glowing masks.
ko49o: Amazing guide
Gebrochener80: Helau
VoltiXHD2: Tl;dr
Just play the event like usual
sytemp_8679: Whered you get that Nurses outfit i keep looking for it but can never find anything on it
BuenoMcgurski: I have afk’d fasnacht before but last night my controller turned itself off after a short amount of time even though it was rubber banded. I had “show me things when idle” turned on, do you think thats why? Very annoying
Feb 21 2025