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Nuka Grenade Nerf And Why Its Significant Fallout 76

jamessaxton4285: They fix everything but my constant crashing issues

hmoney503: So 5-6 years later, all of a sudden, they realized explosions are "twice as large?" Come on man! Why cant they juat be upfront and say "hey, you all were leveling too fast and clearing the board way too fast. So we're going to take some stuff away some stuff to help with that, so you play longer."

spagsunfiltered: This probably has way more to do with players using Cremators, MIRVS and Grenades during public events. This causes so much lag and I know a load of players who hate it. They probably complained on Reddit to the right Dev. .

VgAce135: there's going to be so many bugs after this next update. I guarantee it ;)

EleshNorn-ui1eg: If they delay the Legendary crafting im gonna be screwed. I plan on being massively overweight the night before.

chrismarcoe9525: Why don't they spend their time actually fixing all the glitches?

crazy-tommy: I tested it on PTS and will switch back to normal killing instead as it didn't feel good anymore. As the radius scaling is halved you only cover a quarter of the area than before, so if you want to stick to this tactic you need up to four times as many grenades and need to learn new patters where to throw your grenades is West-Tek. Regarding the Season SCORE rankup, I plan to do delay it until the double XP weekend that goes live two weeks after the update, so I can minimze grinding by getting full 4k XP per super mutant. As they just annouced that caravans will be delayed and don't go online with the Milepost Zero update I could even see that they might throw in an earlier Double XP event as compensation.

bnick8282: Bethesda should just fix the bug with radius and then increase the Grenadier perk max rank.

josephs1117: Bethesda sucks. Nerf nerf nerf all the fun stuff but when real issues like crashing still exists, they're silent.

KevinEvangelista: 0 minute gang


I just crafted a batch of almost 400 of these, in preparation for the next season

OneStopRazorbackSite: My issue with the team that works on these updates is they seem to spend more time trying to "nerf" things people actually enjoy doing or using in the game (ex. west tek runs with nuka grenades or the upcoming railway rifle nerf) and do not actually fix a lot of core performance related issues or bugs. Everything they appear to do seems to be to lengthen the amount of time they want you to play the game and look I like the game (would at one point say loved it) but the grind element is becoming a bit severe. This is just my opinion, however.

Sep 02 2024

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