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NEXT UPDATE! ALL New Changes Coming to Fallout 76!

falloutgar918: Did I hear correctly? “Bethesda won’t release the legendary crafting til it’s 100% ready.” That’d be a first. Also, I call BS.

sirdeathcap4999: Man it's weird to remember when i first played Fallout 76 there was just almost nothing and now its just amazing still troublesome from time to time but its getting its work put it in

Noodaroo: i hope they buff deathclaws when they rebalance them. they need to be scary again

danielrichards6620: The fallout TV show has been a huge boon for this game. Bethesda are finally giving this game the love it deserves.

GremlinSciences: When you're talking about the boss changes it sounds like you missed that they are getting their damage mitigation reduced. While they are getting more health, they will also be taking just as much more damage; Scorchbeast Queen and Ultracite Titan are getting 233% more health but also taking 233% more damage, and Earle is going to take 400% more damage to match it's 400% increase in health, and in every case it appears they are having their radiation immunity rescinded. It shouldn't take any more bullets to kill them after the patch then before it, and in many cases it may even take fewer bullets.

BTW, the perk changes look to me like they're playing around with new effects and/or changes to existing mechanics, I do not believe those are going to actually be the new effect of those perks. The cards they changed were all seldom used, and the effect on Vaccinated is how disease resist already works before any gear or perks are applied.

alkenny7074: I'd rather welcome the news that they're going to do something about the constant crashes and freezes that go on since the Valley expansion.

Streaming_Music: Sadly, until they make ANY build other than bloodied competitive with it, than it's all kind of moot. Though I do like that even with increased cost and non-tradable we can actually get the legendaries we want. Also...300k HP on mobs when most people do like 150-250 per shot... LOL

Robosium: I hope that the legendary scrip machines will get an increased amount of scrip to them

agusmercado688: The legendary stuff will crash the trading market

games8ful: wait modules cost 100 now ? damn

SecretlySeven: Something that needs clarified: We wanted Mischief Night for the original now unobtainable rewards NOT THE EVENT. They have changed the reward pool. With it most of the interest in the event is gone.

Jul 12 2024

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