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New V63Bertha Review Is It Good? Fallout 76

WhatsGoingOnHere....Bwekfast: It's a gun for killing mobs, not for killing 3 star legendries

Steve-go6oq: Its basically a great Rad Rumble tool. I tested it and also have a quad and its double ammo capacity is a nice addition.

UncleBalthasarGelt: I'd love to have it, it seems fun!

Also Grenadier perk works on the explosion size.

ksnavajo: It's OK. I tested it against a quad/50crit/faster reload and didn't feel as effective.

KingRat543: Got 3 so far, use one, sold one, holding one.

joshuahoffman1202: What makes it better is the double WITH two shot

RodolfRubin: Unlimited power!!!

chew2237: Been waiting for a review on this! Can’t wait to watch

ragx8835: Can you test the Anchorage Ace? Tanks for your Videos and Guides.

Kat-ik3do: Thanks for all the videos. They are very informative! If you have the Anchorage Ace can you review it next?

zakmurphy3476: It’s a gun for XP perfect weapon for that

Jun 21 2024

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