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NEW UPDATE Tomorrow, More Datamines Particles Removed? Fallout 76 Latest News

Florian-uu2ux: There is already so many currencies you have to have an eye on, good thing they scraped the particle idea

Ray-zp3zp: Hopefully the new weather station is for Halloween like makes ur camp creepy looking fog and stuff

truckerguy28: I like that legendary modules can be stored in the scrap box as junk now

Ray-zp3zp: all I know is the next scoreboard better be a lot better then this season cause this season sucks

Fehn_Fennec: I hope I get compensated for my legendary cores, like… 10 cores for 1 legendary Module or something?

SUNND0GG: I'm just waiting for the day that they finally give us a Mr handy collectron station

kylavitek: Ooh, that new flaming loot bag will be perfect for coming across a trap camp. I can usually tell, so I just make sure I have a few raw fertilizer & nothing else before I go marching in. Dropping a flaming bag of poop will be even better!

tyekellyful: About time a railway skin!!

MoppetShow: Funny watching those Vertibirds going thru those Trees WITHOUT Crashing or taking damage

julianmorris7954: Hopefully we get a fix for the surfboard shelves . they are broken. you can’t place them in your camp

fearofpeople3656: I believe the pa skin may be a reward in season 18, there's a photo frame up as a reward that for said season that the pa skin on it and the stop sign that that's shown in the snap shot in a potential weapon skin for a new weapon that's also being added in as well

Jul 23 2024

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