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NEW UPDATE Tomorrow, Event Removed More Bugs Fallout 76 Latest News

MichaelsExplorations: With every new update they make a “hot fix”” to help but it just makes it worse

SchmidtyTonya: Yeah dangerous past times hasn't came up once for me on Xbox since it stopped being at the top of the hour

-joe-davidson: I've had Campfire Tales and Fasnacht end with no rewards... I thought it was just me.

albundy7459: Here are all the issues I ran into over the last 5 days of building in skyline:

Object is floating

Can’t place intersects

Can’t place in water

Bulldozing trees only works with new plans. Tree will reappear after placing any old plans.

Vertibirds skating on the ground

Vertibirds going under the map

Camp attackers spawning under the map.

Camp items destroyed due to enemies under the map.

KalVin-pm2eg: They took down the event Dangerous Past Times because it was being used as an experience exploit. Some individuals figured out how to get the lost enemies to indefinitely respawn in waves even though the event was not active.

LivingFearless__: I would bet my virginity that they are going to remove the improved repair kits from the reward pool from dangerous past times

aestevalis0: Unpopular opinion but the Fasnacht donation box is a terrible idea. I keep seeing one person just standing there taking everything everyone else puts in & then they leave some random junk like ice tongs or some weak-ass non-legendary wood leg. What we need is some sort of vendor we can trade common masks to for rare masks & not some honor system bullshit because most people don't have honor.

manfredharenwall1213: I've done Fashnact like 10 times now, and I got 10 new Owl masks and 10 new plans for Fasnacht flags... just saying...

djay6651: I've had 3 crashes/freezes in a row on Fasnacht yesterday

psycleshift: I've been on for 2 hours today on ps5, I've bluescreened, had my screen freeze, loading into the world 3 times in a row to a black screen with a yellow logo...most of us pay them for a service, aka fallout first on top of playstation plus. This is unacceptable to have this bad of just being able to use what I pay for, without disconnections. Imagine if everytime you made a phone call and it just drops your call.....

LoneWanderer479: The only bug I encountered was Neurological Warfare. One of the Goliaths didn't exit its door and no one could kill it

thisisscorpio6024: I hope they completely fix the Union PA problem. First, it was uncraftable. Now, it's craftable, but they removed my Jet Pack crafting mod. It's back as a plan at the WhiteSprings vendor.

I put in a ticket, asking them just to refund my stamps I spent last year purchasing it, and I'll buy it back from the vendor.

As proof, I have a Union PA Jet Pack Torso in my inventory to show I'm not imagining. I did craft it last year.

Jun 30 2024

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