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NEW Trade System Feature, PTS Test Locker and Module Adjustments Fallout 76 Latest News

tjlockie2214: Seems like a useless feature. They need to hurry up and add a trade lock in system so people can actually trade without being scammed.

MrWigpeeler: The single biggest reason so many of us can’t be bothered with our vendors is the way the list goes back to top of inventory when you put an item for sale. I just can’t be bothered scrolling back down the inventory to find next item to post. Especially for plans when we all have dozens and dozens of them. It’s idiotic.

giovanebarreira: They should add a system to move items between characters too

bigubaby: An auction house would be even better only available for fallout first only to keep it a little more secure

iscariotproject: oh man the time sink to learn mods will be massive

collincutler4992: Vendor history..been waiting for this one

KetoFitChef: I was saying that we need a vendor history. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in an Event, Daily Ops or something else and heard I had a sale, but missed what it was.

lonedragon3261: I, personally, will find the first feature quite useful. I feel like over half the time, I see the caps pop up from a sale, but the notification of what sold either never pops up, or pops up too briefly to read before disappearing.

13_Patr: i want that box from the trainstation at my camp. free stuff everyone can put in and reset when server switch

psycleshift: I see zero use for me to know the history of vendor sales. Especially since I disconnect multiple times a day.

Jul 13 2024

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