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New Shelter bundle disappoints despite Fallout 4 nostalgia Buy it Build it Fallout 76

Buderbukz: Another settlement has sent word that they need our help.

thebrownieman1840: I was pissed I could only make 1 of those houses. So much for making a whole town.

cynicalthoughts4695: The lighting and shadows a bug? It is a feature ofc, How dare you? Bethesda would NeVeR ever sell you an atomic shop item In defective state, they have never done it before (dont google it) Everything just WoRkS

DouganDruid: We have never been able to build out to the edge of an outdoor shelter. They always have invisible walls. What i would like to see is them include an option to set a time for outdoor shelters. Dawn, noon, dusk, midnight, etc. This shelter is designed to allow people to basically build a little neighborhood

MaxDerhund: I really like the prefab and the Triumph Terrace neighborhood. My biggest disappointment is that you can only place ONE house in the entire shelter. I had hoped to create a little neighborhood. Also I was disappointed by the invisible walls. I just don't see the necessity of both visible and invisible walls in the same area.

JCee3223: The tract house prefab not having a ramp for cars to drive up and down ruined the immersion a little for me. I am lucky I watched your video before buying. I skipped on the shelter and only bought the tract house. Thank you and keep doing this series!

RimGreaper: A few months ago, I was playing on a public server when "Preston Garvey" joined in an event. Of course he looked just like Preston Garvey, but the player also had a soundboard set up to play random Preston quotes. Normally I find soundboards annoying, but in this case it was pretty funny

KetoFitChef: I think I’m only disappointed because of how excited it got me. I agree that the Cargo-bot entrance will kinda stick out and not fit with most builds, but worse than that is the janky build area.

Not only should we be able to get right up to the wall (if not just REALLY close), but the buildable area should at least make sense and be symmetrical all the way around.

So, in spite of all of that and the fact that I don’t really need the reskinned storage boxes and resource miner, I’ll probably still get it. I just hope that either it is a bug they fix, or listen to the feedback and adjust the border.

1964vintage: 1800 caps for a road, average prefab and 3 skins.

TobiasRieperGER: I wanted to pause "1st" till new season starts. Then this thing appears. So i wanted it, since the data mine videos.

Now it's here, i build my house, and then the big problem. I didn't buy the kitchen and clean bath things from the last weeks. Now i have a house, but no interior for it. The lighting in the shelter is broken, and we have a lot of space, but can't plant crobs etc there. And always daytime...

Bethesda, what is wrong with you? Give us, what we want!

sandrawenck9531: I am making a mini town with it. Going to set up a Mini Mart, a Red Rocket, a restaurant, Pub, plus some houses

Aug 09 2024

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