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New Mothman Equinox Plans Fallout 76

DmentidJester: Wish they would give us a camp budget to reflect all of the garbage they give us!

raymondrice9875: Having a Silence of the Lambs moment! LOL

jakyvirtorks4304: I've only been playing since the show. I'm level 237 but man do I get excited each time I get a new plan. Keep em coming Bethesda!!!

seriosbrad: Gotta catch 'em all

TheEnigman: The mounted moths are all based on real moths, some variation on the real ones but definitely recognisable if one is into lepidoptery. I suppose the floor display might be for those who want to put 'offerings' in their Mothman cultist camps.

6wild6flower6: These mounted moths make me want to play monster Hunter

uczeg: The floor display is probably sized to be placeable on a table, at least that's the only way I can make sense of it.

GenuineNerd: The Luna Moth is an actual moth. Gorgeous green moth! The Io moth is real too I believe. It's spelled i-o like the planet or moon.

JoviaI1: Just a heads up it's an I not an L, as in "eye-oh" moth not "low" moth lol

Aug 09 2024

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