Kid47483: This is also what I thought.
henriquemedeiros3476: Bro
Scrap Cold Shoulder really works to get the quad ?
mrlewis4946: Mark my words … this update will drive the player population super low .
Everyone gets bored really quick when they get all the weapons and armor they want
crownfence1509: Cold shoulder does not work
Kltpzyxm17: I went to a Chynese zoo today. All they had was 1 dog. It was a shit zoo.
brianrmc1963: I have saved nearly 100 Deathclaw hands. Every time I srcrap a Unstopped Monster I seem to get the hands back.
Legion-p6y: Made easy? As if it’s not easy enough? Going to destroy the game
jonathansanchez7957: Quick tip that worked for me are that items found from legendary enemies for me usually have a 1 in 20 or so a chance to get a plan and / or mod . I would scrap 10 items, then server hop to increase my chance. Its worked for me thus far.
ellnats: this is gonna be a pain in my ass to do
Jeremy-k9t: WHy does the Spiffing Brits voice sound so strange? ;)
Poke-ladd: I never thought to use those weapons
All I did was keep as many overeaters and unyielding as I could … all I got was a 2 star being 2 luck…
Sep 08 2024