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NEW Event Tomorrow, Update Added Quakecon Info! Fallout 76 Latest News

user-uy3ce8ot6o: The rewards are trash

ThatGuitarChick01: Playstation user here, yes we get errors in game but it's rare for me. The game runs smooth other wise minus the bugs.

joecoelho2885: Still have new tab glitch. If you have more then one item like a present and open one then it leaves your new tabs but you still have the rest you have to go to your aid for the rest.

eodblue390: Anyone having nuke zone issues? Every time the missions for the nuke drop pops up is never shows on my map where the blast zone is.

LordArchive: The login issue was explained. It was not a Bethesda issue rather it was an issue with the Amazon servers Bethesda and some other game company uses. The issue was not limited to Fallout 76 and the update had absolutely nothing to do with it.

Th3WarHunter: ".....fingers crossed you get normal issues."


W3T_M3lons69: I’m still dealing with a issue with my power armor hud the compass isn’t properly working and showing any icons friendly or enemy or locations or events near me

Azalin4savioR: The only issue with the game I still seem to suffer from is sometimes when I put on power armor, it opens and closes like I got into the armor, but then i'm just stuck looking at the backside of the armor and I cannot do anything at all. Have to reset the game to get it work again. Sometimes it fixes it if you take out the power core and put it back in before getting into the armor but that's not always the case either.

skythewolf35: Im watching the video as I type this but did they fix the bugged quest in the game yet?

The new main story quest where we go to confront the ghoul gals ex.

The bug that both removes the Disguise Mothman Cultist outfit from our inventory and the bug that doesnt allow us to clear the hideout.

Both need addressing.

Ive refused to play cause I wanna continue the quest but not for the sake of killing the gal.

dailyfermentations7197: I can't play for more than 10 minutes without the game freezing indefinitely. Gotta reboot every time. I'm think I'm done with the potentially great game.

AndrewMD88: What ever happened to the dockside partition walls that were in the defense tab? I bought them forever ago and theyve vanished.

Aug 09 2024

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