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NEW ESSENTIAL CAMP ITEM from Fallout 76 skyline valley season pass LIMITED TIME!

kaiseromen: Obligatory "may i offer you an egg in these trying times?"

willblake72: It's impossible for me to see a Church thumbnail with an egg that says I must have it and not click the video. Well played Mister.

mothman6378: bad notions' ability to create vehicles in this game blows me away to this day, i was fortunate enough to add them as a friend about a year ago and sometimes i will just pop in to see what they're cooking. a truly incredible builder with much more patience than i have.

MysticBlueFox: "Does your favorite youtuber call you his tiered wedding cake? No? Well mine does."

Toaru: this method really is the next level kind of building, isn't it. kinda intimidating lol

craftysean945: I didn't think the egg was worth getting so thank you very much for the headsup :)

aussie_kitty_kat: Such a game changer for those in countries that didn’t get (or those who missed) the shooting targets before

EZEfallout: I might take a crack at getting this item. Eggcellent video!

FalloutMcflyy: EGGstatic to start using this!

my_usual_antics6853: You have perfect timing with this video. I'm currently building an RV base on the back of that blue ridge caravan truck.

rrrrrizzzzz3305: You! We meet at the Whitesprings and you gave me Super Stimpacks!! Appreciate it man!!

Jul 19 2024

Buy Fallout 76 Caps

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