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NEW Camp Pets Info, Datamined Perks and a Faction System? Fallout 76 Latest News

itzdaybreak1222: This is major copium but it would be sooo cool if we could ride our pet deathclaw as a mount. Being a bloodied, chem loaded ghoul riding a deathclaw would be peak Fallout

perceivedvelocity9914: IMO camp pet's are going to be like the robot dog. You put down a dog house and your pet walks around your camp. I doubt that the system will be very deep.

Poke-ladd: I’m curious if the pets are gonna be like dog meat or just something for your camps with maybe some possible outfits for them like goggles and a neck chain

n0idone689: Would be nice to get a pet to level up. Like a level 100 chicken with lasers on its head.

hiddendesire3076: I believe that trading company is referring to the Mile Post Zero system coming in where we can upgrade that trading post for the exclusive vendors there. I am setting up a military recruitment camp near there, just up the road from it.

Fehn_Fennec: I’m worried about the Downside to being a ghoul.

If this is a One time ordeal & it’s over, I’d prefer their statement if they’ll be fixing it overtime. Because I’d hate to pick it up & then be nerfed into the ground afterwards.

Thus being stuck in a bad position.

Adamp_109: A faction system would improve the game even more

MoppetShow: I normally do NOT play the PTS for any game, But I Really can not wait for the Ghoul option to come out and when that does come out onto the PTS; I will be trying it out

Run_Taff_Run: Pretty sure I heard bump in the road is the new event for the blue ridge company where you earn rewards for you customisable blue ridge outpost.

connortalbert814: Yes finally I want a pet merchant like in 4 I want me a gatorclaw or a deathclaw they are by far my fav fallout critter

GhostRare3: Give us finally a Clan/Guild Option and a all chat like every other online game does have since the beginning of time

Jul 11 2024

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