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New Butter Churn Camp Resource Fallout 76

callmejay1376: If they’re going to keep adding these camp items they can at least increase the damn camp budget.

JCee3223: He actually did it. He actually took a dip in the foundry smelter for thumbnail.

10/10 Fallout 76 streamer.

lxlKHARMAlxl: Watch players vendors sell it for 1 billion caps.

686Impulse686: Now I understand why the comments I saw last week mentioned this was the hot camp item to get during this event.

SirRoderickThunderbottom: oh boy, the weenie wagon grind 2.0....

fingers crossed it bothers to drop before 140 Fasnacts....

killroy687: You 'churned' out this video really quick and then buttered us up with the info. Let him cook!

rodhammack7160: I have a list of item memorized that produce resources beyond steel or wood. I continuously pick up these items as a habit. Easier than switching from resource hunt to regular game play. I maintain most at about 300 per as it is enoiugh to build a full set of armor or any weapon. No fallout 1st so 1200 lb. Limit still applies. When I get excess resources I just dump them into donation boxes for others. I am only short resources after doing things like making a couple hundred nuka grenades for general purposes. You use aluminum up. Regular frag grenades production eats up oil and aluminum. Keeping resources at 300 per still fills the need for all production, more item are just more weight. Collect everything on your list all the time, sort and keep your stash piles maxed at 300. Do not be afraid to let the excess go. You will get more as you follow your memorized collectable list. No production shortages ever and lowest basic box weight for sustained play.

biostemm: I'm surprised we haven't gotten a version of the chicken coop that generates chicken thighs, or a small game trap that can generate opossum, squirrel, or beaver meat...

iscariotproject: booooooo bethesda you robbed us of manual butter churning..i would put in next to my store and everytime anyone came to to buy anything i would churn butter while staring at them until they leave...you stole that from us! you monsters!

dragonmac1234: I always have a shortage of oil for my Holy Fire (I've stopped using it because I was so low on oil). It looks like I'll be hoping for the new butter churn plans in the next couple of weeks

JeremyB8419: Why’s my butter white… and sticky……… and glowing…. Damnit, Gary!

Jul 01 2024

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