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New Atomic Shop Items Coming Fallout 76

TokenLegionGaming: It's about time we have a Railroad Rifle Skin! Bethesda should be pumping out new skins constantly!

phoschnizzle826: Definitely need the flaming poop bag, so I can drop fertilizer in the survival tents that people drop on my camp locations.

CL-os5cz: I need that red rocket Dumpster for my Gas station, God I Wish they gave us another Red Rocket Prefab.

mehtarelingolien: Hopefully Bethesda will also increase camp budget for all these resource collectors! I had to remove my dog food and cooking oil generators to make room for the thrasher meat generator. It's getting to the point where I only leave my camp to do events.

nukaknights: Thank you for your support!

leejamieson8571: He called the s**t, poop!

octavia4357: Well there goes all my savings of my atoms

KaterWhite-hu3qu: I wish they put more mothman stuff in the shop

MidoriShibuya: Just saying, they would be making bank if they made a ton of railway and combat rifle skins

hermos3602: I made Grim Reaper build last month and waiting fir the next double XP weekend to finish reaching level 50. So glad Bethesda finally answerd my call with the perfect outfit for my Reaper build.

Adamp_109: I wish they would add more Enclave stuff

Jul 23 2024

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