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NEW 25GB UPDATE Added to Fallout 76! All Patch Notes!

BreakfastAtNoon: Map always starts top left now and no red markers on the map indicating nuke drop.

DadCarrying9mm: Cool now every time I open the map it throws me to the top left corner. My challenges aren't showing up in the menu after I track them. Wonder what else is broken

whoyin93: Meanwhile the Filtcher farm interview holotape is still living free in our inventory...

defuse680: I'm surprised they have not fixed the main questline where you go into the gold vault. I completed that quest for the first time in May 2024, and it took me about 12 tries to complete. The AI is so broken. I don't understand why THAT hasn't been fixed yet for the new influx of players that have been coming in.

MrHuxley: Apparently this update is super buggy for everyone. Yet to see it on my own console though, as i tend to have very few issues with this game

markfullerton7666: When I open my map I am always in the northwest corner, cannot see teammates on the map.

collincutler4992: I cannot help but notice they still haven't fixed rhe Nodding Donkey/ Wood pile glitch. It would be nice to actually be able to use both of the items I purchased at the same time.

And yeah, I had the neon letter issue, but for only 1 day.

biostemm: They need to add full-auto receivers for the gauss pistol & rifle...

pauldouglas4587: Update broke the game

shawnadams1965: One thing they fixed that wasn't in the patch-notes, is you can now place the wood-pile again when you have the butter churn in your camp.

Medieval_Dead: Camps at the upper left corner of the map are about to get a lot of visitors.

Jul 25 2024

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