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Neurological Warfare Is Broken Fallout 76

KevinEvangelista: And here I am joining every Neurological Warfare instance I come across-- while my gamma gun is rotting in my stash

AsansolTheClown: any radiation damage seems to do this to them. My buddy used his autoaxe with overly generous and took out chunks when the radiation damage kicked in.

snowy5628: If this gets fixed before the flickering I'll never buy another thing from the atom shop

user-dn4su5rp3u: wait you said you were solo... doesn't the "dungeon" adjust it's hitpoints and everything based on how many players are in it? Cause i have been in at least a dozen of these with full crews, and those robots NEVER go down that fast.

MutantMasterRace: The gamma gun can be glitchy and ineffective in high population lobbies or laggy servers. For the best effect, use a radium rifle or a auto-axe/chainsaw with overly generous rank 2!

Ed_Crane: As a PS5 player, I unfortunately confirm, the game is literally unplayable rn, it is impossible to browse your stash inventory without the game crashing

Sagebro-wu3op: What’s really broken is chainsaw with the charisma perk overly generous, finish the fight in less then 60 seconds

Hawk199031: Bethesda: It just works!

Polarr_Bear_: Unrelated: have you noticed the bug that lets you grab/interact with items directly on the other side of a wall?? It’s been very advantageous, allowing me to unchain doors and press buttons to open doors without finding the keycard. As well as grabbing items in certain little areas I couldn’t before

nsimmonds: I've been using Overly Generous with a minigun shredder on my heavy build and it, if you will, shreds. Takes a bot down in seconds with the rad damage.

Because other people are using this method it goes really fast now, so I open with a nuka grenade right after the fabricator finishes to tag everything or you might miss one.

jeremyburks7882: It fits the Vault 63 lore though. They weren't prepared for radiation.

Jun 21 2024

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