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Most Fallout 76 Players DONT KNOW This Secret Feature Bethesda Added 5 Years Ago..

miafillene4396: Heh. Its be nice if Fasnacht didnt crash me every other damn time this occoured....

capmandioca1: About the soldier mask, i think he was reffering to Napoleon Bonaparte and the fact he was "short".

nettneo: Played the event 165 times (No AFK) and did not get a glowing mask. I have played every event at least 150 times each year 2019 and still have not gotten a glowing one EVER! drop rate to low. Oh and yes crash after crash!

FLUXXEUS: Would have LOVED a "Praise the Sun" line from him for the sun mask

monkee5th: No one was burnt in Salem they were hung and one was crushed to death by piling rocks on him until he confessed (which he refused)

PB-tr5ze: The solder reference was not only a star wars reference it also has to do with the popular myth that Napoleon was short, he was actually average height but surrounded himself with tall soldiers and officers.

NCRenigma: I think the giant mask actually is supposed to be the creature from night from the fishmans horror in my eyes it's giving me more of a creature from the black lagoon vibe.

coachkb4219: I think the soldier mask is a Star Wars reference… aren’t you a little short for a storm trooper?

VgAce135: Been playing this forever but I have never experienced this

brotheryeti: Green in the gills is a way of saying you look sick.

Gundumb_guy: Now no one can do this until next year! Or is he always hanging out on that bridge?

Jul 11 2024

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