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ITS FINALLY HERE! Bethesda Just Added Sanctuary Hills from Fallout 4 to Fallout 76

biostemm: Gotta be honest, here - we need to stop praising Bgs for bringing over assets that have existed for nearly 10 years...

Marvin12Mcm: I'm still waiting on double sided walls and let us put nonfunctional water resources in our shelter. I need sinks in my bathrooms and kitchens in my shelters.

kimjajestem6341: In the atomic shop you can see that nice blue sedan up the driveway, why don't they give us mint state cars?!

Crooked60: The new shelter is cool. The mountains and stuff kinda remind me of halo a little bit, but yeah without shadows it looks kinda rough in spots. The actual house is nice though.

JoeZarx: Really wish they would fix the lighting in the "vaults" that are outdoors... The crazy brightness is just too much. It's like the sun can see through my roofs and walls.

davidandrex2: We can only place one of the prefab house? guess we arent allowed to make a neighborhood

ValerieBlassey: The new shelter is beautiful! I agree with you about the shadows. I really want a day/night cycle.

WarpedAtomic: The new prefab is filled with building issues you cant place the modern cabinets at the right height and if you try they glitch into the ceiling, curtains cant be placed they glitch into the ceiling, other items cant be place into corners or to close to the walls with out getting blocked from placement. and as with all the other shelters with the sun it still shines right through the buildings. And the new shelter is a ripoff there is so much area blocked with an invisible wall. You cant build wall to wall because thats not the boundary of the shelter and you cant even build at the entrance to build a gate because its blocked by that inviable wall.

Shuttle9: Wish it was blue like on Fallout 4. I don't understand the red and white

Pyrotrainthing: It’s cool to see an asset, but truth be told it’s not the biggest challenge to take a preexisting asset and port it over. The Sanctuary Shelter is nice for the Shelter’s surroundings, not really the fact that it’s Sanctuary Hills.

Aug 09 2024

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