IdkHow1GotHere: insane they FINALLY changed it. i diddnt think they would ever fix it.
sukulmati: Thanks for showing that you could deny card shares, I didn't know you could do that. I had to leave a team a week ago because someone was sharing a card that was healing all the radiation damage on my bloodied build.
XvTomcatvx: Dude, you have 8670 perk points.
nukacolanukacola: Might have to start putting a lil more into Charisma, just for my teammates
justinhertz5280: I was wondering how I was able to share cards now
ZionSavior: Wow finally
redsaaryn3832: it would be nice to share ghould perk cards which work for your non ghoul friends QuQ
kc618gore: The issue is that there not going to be any more 4 or 5 stars peark cards to Share anymore after the ghoul update
SergeLynx89: Now if they would be kind to reverse the nerf on ammo factory.
picklerickyt2597: Yo
mostamazingmatt: High Charisma is still nearly useless
Steve-go6oq: Finally!
mattt233: Is Gauss Shotgun energy weapon or does it benefit from Shotgun too?
harwoods11: I have never understood just how to share perk cards... Can someone enlighten me perhaps?
lippydalips4537: Sorry is this in the PTS? Or Normal Consoles?
godqueensadie: Probably still won't use it since I don't play with dedicated groups, but neat
マント-g2k: First?
CoreyProulx: so glad, just ranked this baby up. legendary charisma is way easier to have locked in on most loadouts
lunarhexagon8108: I love that you can share cards to team, but I wish it would not discard shared card when swapping loadout, and that we could unequip specific individual card in case it dont fit build, we can only refuse all cards or none
davidasimpkins: Wait? You just saw this? I thought it was commonly known.
patientzero291: It feels like they are slowing trying to change the legendary skill cards for players to use all of them from decrease skill point requirement and balancing the perk cards.
jscrub6232: So this is why I have some unremovable perks LOL. As a new player this is awesome info. Now I need to look into this more.
4thdimensionalexplorer: Dont reject free food options from shared perk cards. Its funnier when you dont.
havokstrife7094: I think they should of instead just based sharing on the actual trait its in and not based on charisma at all.
adrianl415: It's od i play with lvl 500 and 90% don't share any cards..
Feb 08 2025