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Huge Perk Card Changes Coming Soon! Fallout 76

SekiberiusWelkesh: I like how they are making many of these perks only cost a single point, this should open up a lot more build variety.

jetsfan2theMAX: welcome balance. Endurance has been lacking while luck & agility were a bit cluttered for build potential

Al69BfR: So we all probably need to rework our builds.

bekfistwolf8248: My only issue is that they nerfed lone wanderer, they saw that playing without a team had one thing going for it and decided to shoot it down anyways

markwalsh262: More spots = more cards, gotta like that

rick_oshea: Once again, low health unyielding gets the cookie jar, while full health gets the middle finger!

toddmyers3877: are we going to get perk coins for the perk cards that are going from 3 to 1 if you have all ranks of the cards.

Anonymouschild138: As someone who already uses endurance alot. These changes are competing for more of my SPECIAL points. I been using Ironclad,cola nut, and radicool.

Spoonz505: Thru hiker makes no sense

sunshinevalley3369: If players had a level 3 perk card, being changed to the new level 1 only by Bethesda in this update, will Bethesda give 4 perk coins from the 2 disappearing cards?

Arteus73: What about moving pistol cards from Agility to Perception?

stavard: I have been running a 10 END with max Rank Leg Endurance (15 total for a "high" HP Bloody build for over 3 years. Last update boosted me. This one is going to be something else. :)

Oct 08 2024

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