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HUGE NEWS For The Future Of Fallout 76! More Skyline Valley Style CONTENT, Free DLC MORE Update

FalloutKurier6: A cool idea would be a raid. Depending on your reputation you can join the Raiders, Settlers or both. If you join Raiders, you help them raid Foundation, if you join Settlers you help them defend foundation. Maybe some kind of dailies you have to do for one week or so to prepare. You can ofc choose the faction every time you start the raid.

SkyForgeVideos: Endgame is definitely a problem.

As my GF says:

"If there isnt a (holiday/special) event or anything going on it just gets boring"


"What yhe heck am I supposed to spend my caps on when I have everything?"

Also even the new event (Dangerous Pastimes) never pops now. Neither of us have seen it in days.

What it the point of adding new content if we can't even play it?

They should make a bunch of these events so you can trigger them by activating an intercom or something.

damnsurfer522: The main thing I'm worried about for new players is completing the seasons. I don't think you can do it as a new player w/o knowledge or help. Even now veteran players are having a hard time to complete it the way they have changed seasons. You have to grind now to 100 if you want to make 150. You used to be able just to log in complete your dailies and weeklies and log out. You could even miss some days and still complete but now grinding is a requirement.

exilegaming1041: They just need endgame honestly bro

mattt233: I'd like to see ne Enclave content. They need to actually be viable as a faction within the game.

wulffwooddd223: As a returning player I have finally reached level 120 and have gained a new perspective of the game.

The map expansion is something that should have happened a long time ago but anyways I’m glad it’s happened and will continue.

The atomic shop system yes is predatory but the gold bullion system really helps, if only we can get a better seasons pass system because the grind is exhausting,

But I have been happy with the game thus far, just wish there was an FOV slider for consoles..

psycleshift: Don't get your hopes up....they think a 2 hour story that is so boring you skip it, is AAA development. The past 2 updates were about a family that has nothing to do with the original game. But they have 2 years of atom shop items ready to go....

Pouncer_Fox: I think seasonal events that require specialized builds could be the answer.

Imagine winter events where only fire damage works, or cold damage during summer events, or explosive damage for forth of july, etc. Not just limited to weaponry, but armor as well.

The point is, the game currently lacks build diversity, as well as specialized events that requires diverse builds. Most of the time, I just run around in power armor with holy fire. That's fine, but it could be so much more.

However, once in a while, I run into a daily op that is melee-damage only, and in a good way, I am having to have a secondary melee build at the ready. They should really expand on that, especially for seasonal events.

This way, builds don't have to compete to become meta, but can all be useful, depending on the situation.

slyllamademon2652: Ok they need to buff semi auto weapons. Like seriously.

jamesstaab6614: I maybe a minority here, but I disagree about the new update. Two things I think killed the experience for me: Running events that where not really engaging only to repeatedly not get a worthwhile reward, and the atmosphere just was off putting. In the base game I found myself seeing things in the distance and wanting to explore them, but with the storm present, my vision was always obscured. THEN, when I did get to a new location, I just felt underwhelmed.

sodadrinker89: Do something with the Mole Miners, like an underground Kingdom of some sorts.

Jun 29 2024

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