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HUGE NEW CHANGES! Eviction Notice Reverted Delays Fallout 76 Latest News

nukafanatic2455: Last season I hit rank 18 and said screw this. They absolutely took all the fun out in seasons. If I want to go shopping I will take a trip to the mall. Not the scoreboard

barrybleat0matic270: I love that I didn't get my legendary core compensation

peterclarke7006: Completely agree about the best build thing. It's missed the point really quite spectacularly, and is just going to come down to who can get lucky enough to be the only nominated camp on a server, meaning EVERYONE who passes through that server is going to like it to get their daily finished.

What's even dafter, is you can like a camp, and then unlike it, and do this as many times as you need to completely a daily or weekly, so the whole system has been made essentially another meaningless chore.

Oh, and if you nominate your camp, this seems to disable your vendor, meaning nobody can buy anything off you while your camp is classed as a nominee for best build. Just something to bear in mind.

xmaxp0werx737: I was actually excited for the new update until I discovered all my explosive rifles have been nerfed...that or Demolition expert perk is broken. Either way it kinda really sucks. It took a really, REALLY long time to build up my arsenal just how I wanted it and things like this really drain what little enthusiasm I have left for this game.

vassillifodaveabbott2568: Got on last night to find out my gauss shotguns have been turned into paintball guns. Pretty much did the same with my shotguns pretty much ruining the last 4 years of play. Broke down about 100 high quality weapons from my inventories and got 5 mods and learn no plans. I understand getting rid of legacy when they did but to mess up shotguns for no reason is the final straw for me. Cancel my Fallout plus days before renewal and deleted the game. Way to go Microsoft. You and the access to my money have parted ways. It was fun while it lasted

collincutler4992: Ticket to Revenge was absolutely destroyed. All effectsvtaken off except stagger, and you cannt put a Legendary effect on it.

justincary4803: Is anyone else getting the AP bar bug where it just won't regenerate at all? Before the update it would only happen to me if the server was laggy but now its just happening constantly. Within one hour it happened 7 times to me. Happened to me 5 times when i was by myself and no ather players around.

iscariotproject: i felt like all we got was a new bopring grindy season and more grinding for crafting...scrapped like 50 things got one module and one learned...yay

collincutler4992: The Meat Week Camp thing was also dickheads building arena camps around the event and not allowing anyone in or out, and soloing the event with a creamator.

CombatLegsVIDS: It seems like they still nerfed the Eviction Notice event. Mutants spawn less but rewards may not have changed.

jamesstaab6614: So for me personally, the new changes to the endurance perk cards will make my build tankier. I like having a well rounded build, and these cards kinda bring it full cirlce.

Sep 11 2024

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