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How To Stop Freezing At Fasnacht Fallout 76

krimeincorporatedod4895: I’m so glad ur not giving tips on AFKing fastnut or fatsnatch, I’ve already had 3 ruined from different reasons, like all the instruments full of afk and the bar not moving, being the ONLY person doing the event and hopping to a server that already failed with 15 ppl doing nothing. And other YTers like Gaming Aviator are arguing with their own followers saying “that never happens…….but when it does” just do this or whatever. They’re just helping ppl ruin the event

nsimmonds: Aha! Yeah I've also noticed lots of weirdness during the event, I think they kinda pseudo-instance the area off and you load into the instance when approaching.

aidan10a46: Mr west

rickymherbert2899: X-box player here; I get freezes at the very start of the event and then cannot get into the event until it's finished. Tried to do four Fasnachts this morning after the update. Three freezes and black screen till after the event was over. So not very impressed.

Blitz-N-Pieces: A little tip for everyone to add to Wests point on seeing the robots when you join in, if nothing is spawning in if you see everyone’s Gamertags yellow it means the event is still going on and you’ve got in

Superman11261992: I got lucky today and got the glowing unicorn today

mehtarelingolien: And then there's me, irritated because I have to run up the entire length of the damn main street before the game even registers that I have arrived at the location for the event. Same thing happens to me during the Mothman Equinox.

(PC in case it matters.)

wolfredbeard5871: The RNG needs a change...

SeroX51: As a Home Builder I always head back to Base once the event ends, which isn't anywhere near Fasnacht. I feel for people who wanted to just be near the event, only for it to crash. I used to get similar crashes joining Teams for Scourgebeast Queen.

GoodPandaVibes: My very first mask , on the very first day was the Glowing Honey Bee Mask. I was like what is this then i looked it up & I was like WoW!!!!

chojindrak: I've had the black screen happening for a whille during events. Doesn't seem to be just a Fasnacht issue from my experiences. I think the first time I had it happen was during Invaders a few months ago and had it happen a couple of times during Mothman; although it didn't seem to be as big of an issue for me during Mothman, but maybe I didn't crash out near as much or something.

PS: Glowing mask chance just plain sucks, I've yet get one at all (Feb & April Fools event included). Probably done a good 20-30 for them this time around - gotten all the normal version - just not a Glowing

Jun 29 2024

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