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How To Learn Legendary Effects Fast Fallout 76

xHARDCORE5150x: Grind boardwalk and scrap everything is my current approach

Gonna try this as I'm busting to get certain rolls on my auto axe and I'm also only running single star unyeilding armor at the moment because rolling 3 perfect stars was proving to be a pain on the old system, can't wait to add 2 more stars to all pieces

Edit: can't wait to add CERTAIN stars I know I can add 2 more randomly to make them 3 star lol wasn't very clear

SirRoderickThunderbottom: another tip is to make sure you're using scrapper and super duper.

scrapper will return the deathclaw hands and assaultron circuit board when you break them down so you can just craft/breakdown 1 at a time if you cant be bothered hunting

super duper can proc on these legendary weapons, so extra freebies to breakdown (these can also give you bonus deathclaw hands/circuit boards when broken down)

charleshammel8541: Just got informed yesterday that super duper can trigger from named legendaries being crafted. When you scrap the gutter, you get a board back. If SD triggers, you got an extra circuit board. No need to get more than 1 or 2

Raider_Person: For armor mods, The Purveyor sells 1 Star armor pieces for 15 scrip, buy a ton and sell the ones you don’t want for scrip. Scrap the ones you want to learn.

It’s the fastest way to find a specific armor mod

michaelbarrow7342: I just learned that scrapping 247 medical malpractice got me 0 box mods and 0 plans.

ryanr3804: I learned the plan for the 3 star -90% weight mod but it cost 60 legendary modules for 1! Didn’t realize it was so expensive

David_V92: Dude I completely forgot that these weapons exist. Thanks for the helpful video!

georgeeast9106: Been waiting for a video like this.

armor-1305: If your on PC, server hop every 20 minutes for eviction notice, and have 2 accounts open at the same time at the event. Should get 40-50 legendaries every time

darkforest03: You should have equipped super duper card before crafting those weapons.

Sep 10 2024

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