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How to Kill AFK Players at Fasnacht Fallout 76

TheIVSaken: You forgot the most important question.. Why do I want to kill afk players?

BertHansen33: Even by killing them, the AFK people still get the loot from the event. so killing them does nothing but make you look like a whiny baby. Their being there does not affect your chances of getting a rare mask. It's a waste of your time.

wintersteale8869: For those of you getting upset and reacting negatively to this video remember these things - Bethesda chose to leave pvp mechanics in the game. You do not have to watch the video. You do not have to like the contents of the video. These guys are simply showing you something that exists in the game. You didn't get offended at the videos of them showing how to afk the event. This is no different than the event being nuked and leading to the same conclusion. Toxicity can spread in many ways including negative, nasty and angry comments on this page. Reminder again that this is a game and Oskapt and Noodle always try to keep it light hearted. It's simply sharing information and has nothing to do with our personal beliefs on game mechanics.

Nangong-Tianzhi: If Bethesda didnt lower the drop rate like this

no one would afk farming like this

0.23% is not normal

eodmaxiik7892: Y’all do realize that even if you kill them, Once they get the quest for the event, They will always respawn next to the event and get the reward anyway right?

dalecarson645: Gamer karens are 1000 times worse than the afk folks.

bsbenn76: At least play an instrument if you do afk so it helps the event. I don't see why it bothers people. I do it a little bit just because I work so much.

rubentherubicon: Killing afk players at the event is actually more beneficial for the players afking. When your dead at the event you will still get all the rewards, when you respawn, the game will pop fasnacht event completed multiple times. When I go afk I just kill myself come back in a few hours, and I'll have multiple events completed, 9 times out 10 I allway get a rare mask, good luck out there

julianrivera9505: From what I understand there is no rule against afking but there is actually a rule against griefing so I guess choose your poison?

"2.3 You may not harass, threaten, intentionally humiliate, "stream snipe", "name and shame", engage in acts of "griefing", or cause distress to another user, guest, or ZeniMax staff member/teams using ZeniMax sites and Services. This includes but is not limited to verbal attacks (both text and voice chat), unwanted messaging, personal attacks, stalking or any other undesired behavior used to cause discomfort or disrupt another user's experience....."

joctuas6033: So i get that people are upset when everyone is afk in THAT server, but lets get real. All the servers share the same time on the fasnacht start/ finish times. So if you see people spinning and afk’ing (they literally arent going anywhere) just server hop. Like let them miss out on rewards and just go to a different server. People complain too much rather than just going for the obvious option and just want to stay salty

BrannorMcThife: I have run the event a lot, and I use a mule to increase my rewards - using the mule to play music while I run around - helps get that slow music going. And I bring wood, collect steins, bees wax and intestines and eggs from the previous event. So I can get all the bots ready in under 2 minutes solo. And then, when I'm working, I like to AFK to get rewards since we know the glowing are so hard to get. Given I do so much to help others when I play, I think it's fair to AFK here and there.

But yes, when I join a server and see 12 AFK people at FN and then nobody else shows up to help protect the march, yeah nah... I'll head to another server.

(I have 6/7 glowing so far, and about 4/5 older rares and just far too many C/UC)

Theras_j: Some of the reasons I follow this channel is the unbiased content, creative dialogue, gameplay and fun first mentality. But what really keeps me coming back is the attention to detail, the effort put into research, mathing so I don't have to, and the amazing editing. Don't let negativity change what you're doing, you guys are amazing!

ElEheyeh: I like to take the, give one take one approach. I will run the event and than find a spinning afk person and push them oustide the event area which prevents, them from earning rewards than I take their spot. I even pushed one guy up to the overseer's house so he would be super confused when he got back on.

Jul 05 2024

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