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Ratharian: I keep putting trash in the donation box because everyone is spamming take all. So I dump "free watoga" and other dumb crap just to watch it dissappear. Do about a dozen before they stop taking everything. Funny as hell

FatherxSnipes: I've done like 15 events now and I got a Glowing Scorch Queen Mask! Hype!

im160bpmplus: If you havent had any glowing drops at all, there is a combined chance of 2% of getting one with full completion. So after 10 days of doing 3-4 Fasnaght events a day you should have at least one, if the RNG gods are kind.. Farmers doing 10 events a day should get one every 3-4 days. I dont see anyone actually combining these percentages so I thought id put it out there.

KowitaG: I got a glowing scorchbeast mask, had no idea it was so rare lol. Recently returned to FO76. I also got 2 butter churns b2b, and i found out they sold for 30-40k caps, which is great as I can then buy alot of new plans

darknessswho: 40 events no glowing yet

politicllyncurrect712: I lucked out on a Glowing Alien mask. Looks sick.

BiscuitAndMustardLover420: To help keep the robots alive get the perk card where u can heal then with fire

bishbosh7728: Got glowing robot the first time i did the event and 3 normal robots 3 turkey a unicorn the bramin a and a scorch queen mask . A few common not even worth mentioning ones as well.

opg1987: I chuck any spoiled meat, spoiled veg, and dirty water into the collection box to annoy the ‘take all’ spammers.

686Impulse686: I don't know how many I have done, the hours are blending together now. All I hear is that damn Master of Ceremonies chanting to begin and then gives me nothing.

I am going to protest this unfair and unjust treatment of no glowing masks from the Master of Ceremonies.

Omniroc: I am really starting to love this community as a new player. Not a single complaint from anyone for this level 19 player joining in and trying to help.

Jul 02 2024

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