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GAT PLAS DOMINATES Raid Bosses with FURIOUS Power! Fallout 76

MrMorp76: My only issue with all the buffs and tricks, is that you take over 1 minute to make the fight 20 seconds faster. If I have to stop and take more time then I'm saving I tend not to do it.

Ima184mm: Pinpointer good with any heavy gun, even gatling lasers; powerful with it.

TheIdiotfilter: Nice job

Mark-oldgamer: Yeah it’s so flexible… unlike the pepper shaker

takugi6648: How can I keep killing the snake king? Is there a single-player method to clear the second level? Thank you~

csbshaw1: Mysterious savior can also help guarantee the rev trigger

andrewgrace4410: Thank you

thebuddhasofbostonsports4193: What about Hunters? I've read that does well against the snake. I understand it's a specific use case but it's a weapon you don't need addictions or be low health.

Kexpix: suppressor and tenderizer work together only on PTS?

Kaburn2000_YT: Can you still get light em up paint? For this weapon

MikeleKonstantyFiedorowiczIV: why this game has no normal time to time crits and you must press that damn crit button in vats

jarronmoore3995: How do you have 82 damage on gat plasma?

zedhok7534: why is mine called Stun instead of pin pointers?

Feb 17 2025

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