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From Appalachili to Dirty Water A Fallout 76 Feast Binging with Babish ft. Alvin Zhou

DrAlwaysFirst: The real question is, is this still an Alvin video or is it a Babish video

FunkmasterAE: As a native Appalachian, thanks for pronouncing the region correctly. I and many others really appreciate it.

StNowhere: "You miss 100% of the corn you don't corn." Gonna monogram that on a pillow, thanks.

aparajita1998: So glad the gatorwine made it to this episode too

RaeneeCarver-i3x: “That’s how you end up on an episode of House MD” Truest words I’ve heard this year

mikey24788: Alvin had one of the closest pronunciations of Worcestershire sauce I've heard

Edit: I’m from the UK and know how to pronounce it. I live an hours drive away from Worcester.

UumaZooma: All the Smothered Foods from Everybody Hates Chris episode, "Everybody Hates The Gout"

brockraf: Never seen Alvin and Andrew right next to each other, either that or the camera angle because let me just say the height difference with Babish being shorter really threw me.

TKTyrant: New York rain water is how you end up on an ChubbyEmu

ronald1851: where my fallout london boys at???

BilalKhan-hq6cg: Thats so sweet of your dad to gift you that knife.

sleepykirbo6392: Todd Howard going all out on sponsoring content creators

Alararar: Shoutout to Gatorwine, "the dirty water improver"!

Biggybboy: Andy Bethesda got you too?? They really went down on YouTubers all of a sudden your team hack-smith guys too

iratecorvid: Honestly surprised Pepperoni Rolls weren't featured here, since it is a definitive West Virginia delicacy. It's simple, delicious, and historic.

tgyk80642: Day 250 of petitioning Babish/Alvin to make the Triple Fried Egg Sandwich with Chilli Sauce and Chutney from Red Dwarf.

waheedabdullah6371: On Thanksgiving, make all the butter foods that were seen & mentioned in The Looney Tunes Show episode, "Bobcats on Three"

StopSpiderMan: Please make the Halloween Cake from Tom and Jerry episode, "Costume Party Smarty"

mszargiki: Gator-dirty water! Don’t know how long that should keep going.

Oct 25 2024

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