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Fort Fortress Bundle Full Review And C.A.M.P. Build Fallout 76

BubbleOfDoom22: As someone who built a large western frontier fort with the dingy log cabin set and the basic wood walls, I was eagerly waiting the return of the abandoned mine set to upgrade my fort to even cooler levels. Then Bethesda brought out this set and the mine set at the same time! And I actually had the atoms to get both! I'mma fort up the whole wasteland.

brianrmc1963: I am glad I saw this review. I didn’t know how special this bundle was.

Irish420Artist: Found a new youtuber! You! New to the fallout builds and im hooked on decor! Great video and nice build!

superpandabacon: This looks amazing! I don't think I've come across a camp that looks this good since I'm so focused on finding their vendor.

bazilbrush9658: Please make an actual build tutorial of this, been beating my brain for the last 2 hours trying to line everything up perfectly

Ineffable.nathan: I've been waiting for your review on this. Thank you <3

TheSneuth: Love the overview and tips! Thanks a bunch. And those transition screens with the section headings are AMAZING! How did you make them?

souperside8216: Very nice video. Well made. Nice build.

user-mg6bk2yy1g: Great set and great video! Have to get these now and glad I already have enough atoms for it :)

GreenL00gie: Great video

Aug 02 2024

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