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First Look At The NEW Milepost Zero Update! Fallout 76

KFCArbiter: Reminds me of the various businesses/roles of gta and red dead online, pretty cool idea I hope they expand on the idea in future updates

ArgentDeer: Ooh! This looks super neat! :3 Assuming outpost upgrades are instanced, I can see this being a bit grindy if you play on teams? If we help with the event, does everyone get supplies? Still, I look forward to it!

djdalamar: I like this. I need a cap sink as I'm always running max with nothing to spend on.

brandonpollastri5757: I know Bhramin are strong. But that load is looking a bit exessive.

Poke-ladd: I’m curious how much supplies you get for each run ? And does it eventually increase either the more times you do it or certain upgrades

Cause if it’s only 10 then it’s gonna take months

TempusVulpi: This is honestly a very cool idea, it's awesome to see FO76 continuing to not only get support, but get expansions and all-new features.

Shuttle9: fallout has tycoons now

warlordgemeaux: I’m just happy for more BRC co. Content to be added. Excited for the new Blue Rudge Caravan C.A.M.P. Items we’ll get too.

clydedenby1436: Bethesda, can I get a vehicle? A car, truck, motorcycle, or even a damned HORSE?!?

StickyFingerss: I watch a live stream on this but im still confused like what is the rewards for doing all this?

thefreefencer: dude what's your handmade rifle stats? never seen so much dmg

Jul 30 2024

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