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Fasnacht Deep Dive and MATH Fallout 76

perceivedvelocity9914: Haha. Vulture's is 100% correct. I've been watching high-level players stand next to the donation box and wait. If anyone puts something into the box the high-level players rush to empty the box. Bethesda needs to put a level cap on the box. Level 50 to 100 IMO. People should be ashamed of themselves.

davidbowers4270: I’ve celebrated it in real life, I’ve made and sold the doughnuts. So I think it’s cool to get to play the event. This is my first one

Monkzard: If you are out of fuel but have friendly fire just slap the robots with the flame weapon still works to heal them

Ghostman_Ryan: Fasnacht should run every 30 mins, servers would struggle but people wouldn't mind as much if they were given more of a chance, it's so disheartening to wait an entire hour just to get your 3rd Toothy Man Mask

brianrmc1963: I think selling the masks in your stash for 5 caps is the best solution.

Wynn86: I like that point system suggestion. Trade masks, gain points, and select to get a random mask of chosen tier. Higher tiers cost more of course. Donation box that is a free for all will always be dominated by greed.

digitalbathrx4529: I think the donation should be locked to masks only. However, the game tracks which masks you have. And you can only take masks you don’t have out of the donation box.

RIZZYFLOURS: It's sad because when I see someone come to any event with a glowing mask I don't even notice it and really don't care.

It's kinda like when I see someone with a Mercedes benz I see it but don't care, you know what I do care about?

Completing this month's scoreboard RESPECTFULLY

CaptainKiLL83: I guess I'm lucky then cause I scored a glowing robot mask...

Edit; The Donation box acting like the ammo converter would be a good idea

jcorn9521: Speaking to the AFK, I was in a server with 18 people at the event and 13 were AFK. I have seen in every server at least 6 AFK. To be honest I can't AFK bc my PS5 errors and I dont get to much more than one hour.

wolfredbeard5871: The problem is the RNG rolling snake eyes more than 7s

45alko: The high level thing would suck since this is my very first time playing this event and ive been in a couple of different lobbys where people were dropping tins of old masks in the box and i was able to one of each and have even put in my multiple ones too

Jul 03 2024

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