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Fallout 76s Most UNDERRATED Gadget is...

alguiencualquiera6217: Bro looks straight out of Late Registration

The_mrbob: Interesting, wasn’t even aware that 76 had throwing weapons.

SomethingSomething245: I love using throwing knives! I remember when I first started a stealth playthrough, I used the throwing knives, and they really helped me when I didn't have a suppressor on a gun. They can still hear it hit if you miss thoi

sly2076: I'm gonna have to try that vats trick for my bow build...

Thechubzinator-p3s: Now make it a briefcase and you’re agent 47

knuxiellombardiybur8645: And now the Throwing Quills you can craft from Sheepsquatch Quills have a new purpose. And my attention.

KTCj582: Fallout 76 just isn't it. I've tired to play countless times but it just isn't fallout

JohanSkotkonung: The sheepsqautch shard goes crazy on earle

theslayer4050: if you use up all the ammo (ex: 0/30 ammo) in the circuit breaker and use throwables, it does the aoe electric shock

fatelessone4: Shush careful Bethesda might hear you and make their f****

Aug 18 2024

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