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Fallout 76 UPDATED Every Obtainable Unique Weapon! As of June 2024

KnightDakenKross: Nice video. But you forget to mention one thing: Ancorage Ace has a hidden effect which made it silent, and the reflex sight reduces the ap cost. It's has no great perks, but as it is suppressed, it's amazing good in stealth

KinesisXBL: I really like that not only are the scoreboard weapons good, but they can be bought for atoms to then be used on all characters on the same account. I made a 2nd character to use mainly after hitting almost level 400 for the purpose of trying to minimize my loot pool for desired weapons as much as possible.

ioantudorspanu-dt4nv: You forgot the V63 Zweihander and the cursed harpoon gun from a colosal problem. Also, I understand why Anchorage Ace is not that unique because of the silancer and reflex sight, but the 50% reduced AP cost should not be ignored.

ONobreDoReddit: Awesome video bro!

bikerjesus9979: Another good video,definitely appreciate the content, doing all the hard work for us in a condensed format keep it up brother man

aleksandaracimovic728: What would you say is the top 3 out if this list?

JLORD999: And i own all of them accept for the civel unrest

dtruyan9174: Iam back also very good video youre risinf

Kid47483: Fallout 63??

Jun 29 2024

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