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Fallout 76 ULTIMATE LEGENDARY MOD CRAFTING GUIDE! Easy Mods, Fast Legendaries, Useful Farm!

Gundumb_guy: 15 modules for one roll is an absolute joke. 100 scrip a mod makes it 1500 scrip a roll? Who thought of this!?

michaelmott1498: Also are dead bodies despawning and taking drops with them?

TheChrisLouis: The funny thing is there is no such thing as easy mods.

I'm just treating the game like this feature doesn't exist at this point. 150 scrapped weapons just to get a single 1 star mod to drop is a bit ridiculous.

shadowwolf7866: Ive been expeditions to get my legendary gear

superpandabacon: I only learned AA and Vampire and I scrapped a ton. I’m not too bummed about it since my stash is now much lighter, and I’ll find the mod I need from a vendor later on

DouganDruid: Yodabyte5359 here, i want to say that i was messing around with crafting a couple unstoppable monsters with super duper and it did proc and caused an additional one to pop in my inventory. Went from 4 deathclaw hands to 22 after my testing. Don't know if it's a bug or not because super duper used to not work when crafting legendaries.

seanpelletier: I broke down some weapons for the first time today and got the plan to make the weightless perk.

Poke-ladd: I stockpiled as many legendaries as I could … when they said rare chance they really meant rare and I went super slow breaking them down

1 overeaters mod out of 20 items I had and 1 strength and luck

1 plan I learn was the electrified

Ryu_R.: You don't need to farm deathclaw hands. All you need to do is have the scrapper perk and scrap any legendary death claw gauntlet it will give you two death claw hands and then you can craft one unstoppable monster scrap it and you get all your hands back. As long as you have super duper on there's a chance you'll double your unstoppable monsters and you can eventually rack up a lot of death claw hands this way, but you'll never run out of hands regardless

merkazoidduff7651: Murmgh’s sale is on so a good opportunity to buy items to scrip. Never bought items from him before as it used to be just a novelty and wasteful. But no it has benefits.

I spent about 5,000 scrip last night on just 1 stars (11 for armor, 18 for weapons) and got 2 plans so well less than 1% rng. I’m not sure if 1 stars have a lower learn rate or if I was just unlucky, but it still worked.

And you do get back 1 scrip per scrap, and I was just scripping items I already knew, which makes this strategy end up with diminishing returns.

Still though, 3 stars are far more expansive, and the 1st star is generally the most important, so I think this is a decent strategy. Just try and find 2nd and 3rd star items naturally then mod the 1st star. At least that’s the strategy right now with the extreme difficulty of leaning higher star plans.

metalteuffel2484: As far as the deathclaw farming, doing the event Tunnel of love, there's always 2 legendary death claws that spawn, plus there's a couple of nests near where each one spawns.

Sep 10 2024

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