username_lewie: Next update : Anti Armour was found to be too “armour piecing” so now you get -67% damage
okonkwojones: “We’ve introduced legendary customization. Also we’ve removed any incentive to actually use it.”
Supernovald: Wow. I can't believe two shot got nerfed SO HARD to the ground. It's like they want us to use what THEY WANT rather than keep these effects unchanged and make everyone have fun
baronvonzollo5297: I for one can't wait for December, when our perk cards get rearranged. I have complete confidence that it will a smooth change. Cough cough
Lilwill96: Anyone who purchased the Nuka Launcher bundle from the atomic shop should be allowed to request a refund after this.
Baked-Potayto: The Bethesda update policy:
1: Fix what isn't broken
2: Break what's working
3: Ignore what's broken
falloutgar918: Bethesda can’t fix one thing without breaking three completely different things. Epic game developing. This looks soooo good for them on Fallout Day. Good for them. Lol
MidKnightXMB: Its like they only want us to play only Commando and PA Heavy Gunner forever man. Every single other weapon type catching nerfs in different ways. Its so frustrating.
brandonbiochucky3116: dont worry mr turtle bloodied and anti armor is next in line
willblake72: Another annoyance probably related to sorting in the pip boy: every time I learn a plan it returns the selection to the top of the list. So if learning multiple plans you have to keep scrolling back down.
rothanx427: Nerfing the fun out of Fallout
Silverbllt: All of these nerfs and changes and they still cant fix the disappering turrets glitch.
Joe-f8j1h: shame we don't have a few more Youtubers talking about how bad this is for the players, laughing about it doesn't help us, saying it makes you sad doesn't help, we need a voice, a few bigger names to make some noise about how Bethesda constantly dumps on their community. We have no voice on Reddit and the Discord mods are the worst i've seen, they censor or ignore comments they don't like and leave us frustrated and with no way to be heard. Youtubers with large followings could do so much more for the community, it's a shame so few of them do.
captainhaxs: Taking advantage of the no nametag thing dressing up as a clown and running at players with a chainsaw :)
ryanh3951: Anyone else find it insane that a triple A gaming studio can’t put out an update without new bugs. It’s every update and the games 5 years old. It should be embarrassing to them
SMDTURBO: I just got hit with a massive bug. My carry weight was stuck at 305, when it's normally 460. I couldn't get it to work and eventually disconnected from server. Happened 5 server log ins before it fixed itself.
Also, my guns reload, then act as if an empty mag was loaded causing me to reload again. Every single update is nerf this, break that.
Edit: Here's another fun and awful bug. Use your pip boy while in 3rd person in PA. It quickly changes to the 1st person pip boy. It doesn't do it if you're not in PA. It's jarring especially if you PVP and need to get in and out of the inventory quick.
Remember how we were all told Microsoft buying Bethesda would make it better? Lmao it made the game worse.
romxxii: looks like that two-shot hellfire launcher in my stash is getting scrapped.
codydavis1446: Anyone else having issues with caravans? I ran some yesterday and multiple times the brahmin would refuse to move on after awhile so time would run out and fail the mission.
adrianiancu888: So i grinded like hell for all the explosive ammo... 200 nukes, 2000 missiles and over 5000-6000 40mm grenades for nothing... First they destroyed the Grand Finale by making it to reload for every cannon ball separately. Now all the explosives... The Boomstick, Overkill, Nuka-Launcher...
phredshunkie3487: They reset most settings to default. I had to adjust audio settings so background music is not loud.
notdeadyet8150: It took arrowhead 7 months to realise nerfing sux and hurts player base 5 years on Bethesda still nerfing. Why ?
Bigbearboss19: Am crying about the nuka launcher
darthharlan5044: Not seeing your team mates as you get close them, before the patch there was a yellow indicator and now it’s gone. Being events you don’t see people in the event with yellow indicator. Bugthesda never changes
keithcummings3260: Turtle mentioned shading differences in this video. Did anyone else have noticeable depth of field differences playing post-patch?
(Is depth of field the right description? The 3D background looks more out-of-focus than I remember.)
Brian-tg8wk: Lying two-faced devs at bugthesda says they don’t like to ever nerf weapons in the interview about the new raids, THATS ALL THEY EVER DO IS NERF EVERYTHING.
dfgfdsgfdgdsafsgsafd: As soon as I saw the new AGL from the raid I knew instantly they were about to nerf two shot on launchers
thesweetone: I had issues with mu handmade and fixer randomly jamming, as in not firing despite having ammo in the magazine,It wouldnt fire until i forced a reload.
KanonZombie: They nerfed the Nuka Launcher they just sold in the store a couple of months ago? Nice incentive to spend in the future...
Oct 27 2024