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Fallout 76 The Radiation Abuse Of The Storm Goliaths Explained Radiation InstaKill Mechanic!

rag3ac334: Radium rifles back on the menu boys

gabem.397: I'm so glad you're back. You help make the game still feel alive.

abayal5814: Ty. You are the only person I know of that actually explained wtf was happening

cr12431: It’s not a mistake they’re massive robots with big brains how you think your brain would function after being microwaved XD

psycleshift: It's doesn't harm other players, it saves them ammo, and they get all drops. Win win. With all the bugs we have had to deal with, this one is a good one for players. As for a queen fight tho, stop killing it so quickly. That's where you can earn a ton of xp from all the other enemies that spawn during the event. The longer the queen is alive, the more enemies you can tag.

texasweeds: I used Xerxo’s lvl 15 from forever ago with full health using quick hands and it worked easily

686Impulse686: I both like and dislike this bug.

I like it for speed and letting me get back to xp farming or whatever I am doing at the time of a nuke.

But yet I also hate it, I get buffed up, maybe switch a build, armor up maybe.

But no all of that is for nothing when a few people and now many people know of this bug, making the whole prep useless.

00two: Tbh my build has always had overly generous on max and i main an auto axe ive been doin this since day one since skyline valley dropped, i thought the robot Goliaths were fr just weak, never thought this was a glitch til people starting making these videos, crazy

lowqualityfunnygreenman4792: "It just works"

Hopalongtom: It's going to get patched anyway so I'll share this extra method!

Nuke north of the region so the circle kind of covers the event, this causes a real Nuka blast zone that overlaps the boss arena!

Then use the 2nd nuke to nuke the boss properly!

the Nuka zone itself will equally kill all 3 bosses at the same time, but is slow enough for you to get some hits in.

Jun 28 2024

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