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Fallout 76 The New Caravan System Full Guide. You Need to Know it. 3rd September Release Date.

dynastyjumpzz: Kinda just looks like busy work

archgaden: This was a missed opportunity to put a serious cap sink into the game. If we could spend caps for a little event that nets a good source of legendary items, modules, and cores, it would help give caps some value again. The way this event is setup, once you've maxed out your tiers and bought all the plans, the cap sink is done, and we'll just go right back to running around with near 40k caps again. It's been many years since caps could actually buy any top tier gear. I suppose if the new legendary crafting system brings down the value top tier items, then maybe we're back in business there, but I suspect the legendary components will just become the new currency, displacing rare apparel, while caps stay worthless.

kotbanzai: Dual miniguns on brahmin are cool, but power armor for brahmin based on a sentry bot chassis would be just awesome.

Vault_tec_spy: I was hoping it would be something attached to camps instead of long grind that doesn't seem to have a real payoff in the end

gcqsopus: Soooo…this update is basically paying lots of caps to do the “Free Range” event?

TheSirk47: Only 4 caravans on a public server is crazy... this just screams of fallout 1st private servers lol xD

aenzian: I don't get it. What's the goal? Grinding for the plans to buy?

steesprinter: The caravan system seems pretty interesting.

Although i was hoping they'd give us the ability to build out a squad for the caravan defense with upgrades as well.

For example:

1 caravan defender (NPC), 2, 3, etc....

Where each defender starts out with a pistol. Then we could upgrade each of them to have rifles, assaults rifles, laser rifles, miniguns, maybe even power armor. Almost like a upgrading a moving tower defense.

And then have the option to select a super hard caravan defense difficulty where your caravan is getting swarmed with enemies, that only your most maxed out build and squad could take on.

Anyway, just dreaming big here...lol

highermedia: All that work for a bunch of snow globes and some plushies. I don't get it

nobody-in5yp: Thx a lot for putting the Release date in the title. Saved the time.

So for that im gonna watch the whole thing to give some back Turtle. Great job

Aug 17 2024

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