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Fallout 76 The Infinite Guardian Bot Glitch! Do It Now!!

eprimchad2576: I feel like this guide is poorly worded and not explained well at all. This couldve been 3 minutes and concise but instead its 14 minutes of babbling without an actual explanation of what the glitch is.

BuenoMcgurski: I appreciate you spreading the love. But it is so painful watching someone walk everywhere overencumbered and then kill the robot in 1st person extra slow style lol

Aightbudd: Keep grinding on him? Sus.

NorthernChev: Do this on a Private server so you don’t have people spam joining your Raid session.

micahisawesome4843: On xbox you can't access the menu screen when you die. [ Edit i was wrong. And I do apologize to the video maker and all the people below who gave me a public lashing] I did not know that if you hold it down rather then just push it, it will bypass the map screen. I tried this. Got it glitched on my first try. Thank to all that added info to make this successful.

SeventySix101-d4w: I am on Steam / PC I wonder if someone can join me to farm this? it's great

Jeeper906: Delete this. Videos were on this week's ago. We dont need more videos on this. We already know. Just delete the video. Don't ruin our fun.

rickardhenriksson3805: Doesn’t work at all on xbox. I haven’t got the time to leave the team at stage one. Tried 20 times now, giving up

Jayydoggy: Never knew this. Awesome. I am now subscriber to your channel. Thanks

MikeleKonstantyFiedorowiczIV: Btw why no one raid anymore? When i am played like 2 weeks ago it was always full of players.

GreenLoogie: Farming the bot... BORING

Al69BfR: I don‘t know why you’re leaving your power armor collect it and then place the power armor on the platform, but you also can just jump on the platform and leave your power armor there. At least it works for me.

ps2killer1: You know I also found a way to skip the drill

Twixlumer80: Killing the Snake gives 10times more xp then killing the robot. So in the same. Time you do the robot 3 times, u can dot the robot and snake 1 time and you get lots more xp and better rewards.

Dmanrider: Unfortunate someone literally beat you to it and they explained it way better

coreyelbrecht1068: Thanks for this one, I can do seven different ways to get the button but I have never seen a solo method.

basrisaglam7106: oh my oh my. this saved me a lot of hassle. I salute you brother :)

gordonshaffer5560: It seems to me that Bethesda lied to us when they took our money pre-release and then took over 2 years to deliver what they promised at the get-go so I have no reluctance to enjoy this game with whatever defects there happen to be in their design. Bethesda, go love yourself and have a nice day !

jaysworld0007: Thos glitch happened once to me. I didn't understand how I kept getting rewarded when I wasn't even there. Wish I knew how i did it that way.

meditacaocomlila8235: Why the heck we are fast traveled to the retreat?

seanpelletier: Shouldve waited till after the next big patch, or done it after the last one, that way your audience couldve maximized the time they could do this before bethesda fixs this after seeing your video.

MikeleKonstantyFiedorowiczIV: How high levels get caps in this game? I sell weapon but no one buy it cause bathesda spam it to much now and give extra mutated boxes with another weapon.

shakur0605: Just to Know..If someone reports you and clip it on a video ,your get a 72 hours ban for bug abusing

Ima184mm: This is already known about famous streamers. Your video only causes trouble by announcing the glitch to BUGTHESDA


Zaunare: what a stupid dev team that dont punish players for farming glitches. I came here to play, not to cheat

Feb 09 2025

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