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Fallout 76 Strangler Heart PA After The Buff Fix. Is It Worth It? Q4 2024

adamg0451: Dude missed an Eviction Notice event to make this video, a sacrifice has never been greater...

dumazipeliukai: Do I need to watering this armor?

kanondigemini641: The problem is that on legit strangler power armor you need to sacrifice the jetpack to put the tesla coil...More people don't have the glitched strangler PA with jetpack on arms. This is a very big problem

Le-Parfait-Inconnu: You should do a video of stacking power armor, maybe Bethesda will fix this shit after watched the video

Fbllost: If I could get the ultracite calibrated shocks then I would use this armor.

exit57: It only took me around 700 SBQs to get the Ultracite reflective plates plan to drop the other night. The last Ultracite plan I was missing.

RafaelSantos-pi8py: I slaved away in Vault 94 raids to build this armour and then Bugthesda steals it from me and nerfs it. I want the original armour back.

kevenblackworks1906: If I have Burning Auto Axe, and this armor, will I apply both DOTS on enemies, or will only 1 DOT apply?

mkennedy8944: Does plague walker stack with Strangler Heart?

Poke-ladd: From what i remember it uses the same mods as Ultracite armor and I bought the plan for its calibrated shocks a while back 8000 caps but it was worth it

illusion-: V94 Armor Changes

There have been changes to the Strangler Heart Power Armor and also to the V94 Thorn Armor.

V94 Strangler Heart Power Armor

The passive AOE (Area of ​​Effect) damage has been increased from 4 to 20 poison per pulse, i.e. 800% increase after poison resistance.

Semi-automatic / single-shot weapons now cause 125 poison damage over 5 seconds (previously 30 over 3 seconds), i.e. 482% increase after poison resistance.

Automatic weapons now cause 100 poison damage over 5 seconds (previously 30 over 3 seconds), i.e. 329% increase after poison resistance.

Shotguns (without scattered/splitter mods) now cause 240 poison damage over 6 seconds (once per shot, previously 6 damage per bullet over 3 seconds), so 1392% increase after poison resistance (only one DOT instead of 8 small DOTs)

Sep 28 2024

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