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Fallout 76 Starting Loadouts Comparison and Test. The Best Battle Ready Dweller Loadout.

mdskjoker: Can you test the fixed sentinel 3 star and compare it to the live version?

Deuce4242: Just go shotgun and use Cold Shoulder starting at level 15. Easy mode.

another_Arcane_admirer: The best starting loadout in my humble opinion is the one that can run 'The Most Sensational Game' expedition from the start and under 15 minutes. The shotgun build can, because it doesn't run out of ammo against bullet-sponge bosses that you need to kill. This allows you to get to level 30 fast, at which point you want to switch to a level 30 Flamer upgraded to Napalmer, which is 'easy mode' all the way to level 50.

shokeya: So the strongest loadouts are those which not takes suicider's explosion to the face and instead kill him. Ah, now I see.

not-somiraculousjunkietige3798: Great video im glad you touched on this i feel not alot of people would acknowledge the differences in the starts and what they each contain

Poke-ladd: I gave the melee special loadout ages ago,

Probably a great way to save materials and the baseball bat does surprisingly great damage, it can't one shot like a lvl 75 assaultron but it can probably 3shot it which is very impressive

vickerykennison1335: I am really looking forward to the changes to Pistols. They are some of my favorite weapons in all games I play and it is about time Fallout 76 made them viable.

Frank_Horrigen: This turned out awesome haha. Rerolling an alt, I considered this for a minute but some of them currently are a little more painful to get going with. I didn't realize you got different bobbles based on the choice.

theheatinferno8420: I always start with melee, so I don't need ammo in the beginning. Shotgunner is good too

XvTomcatvx: How do you get the ultracite plasma core plan to craft them for the gatling plasma?

Raziel699: slingermando? why not show the level 50 boost options

colebucket1982: I ways start with melee for the higher carry weight

jacktheripper6716: The mutants around 50 turn into bullet sponges found shotguns weakest and commando strongest at 50 my go-to builds are anti armor snipers which one shot with headshots vats not sure after the update coming in March we have to see.

SirRoderickThunderbottom: if you still have a free alternate player character on your account available, using the loadouts is a great way of farming the Strength or small guns bobbleheads for legendary crafting if you have a friend or fallout 1st

Feb 07 2025

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