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Fallout 76 Skyline Valley DLC First Impressions Gameplay Part 1

Jnotti007: Great stream

artnelson3402: There are a couple ways for you to get a jetpack quickly. You could go with power armor and have a friend mod it for you, or many player vendors sell the jetpack mods for PA. I personally don't like PA because of the lack of stealth, need for fusion cores and that they are generally slower and clunky. The second way is to do the Atlantic City questline, which is just about the right length for a good stream, at the end you will be rewarded with all of the armor plans except no jetpack. Don't listen to the naysayers, it is not as good as secret service but it is quite good and is tradeable. That is important since it means you could drop your chest piece and have a friend add the jetpack for you. If you want to buy the Civil Engineer Jetpack, it takes stamps that are earned by doing expeditions. You'd have to do about 10 runs to have enough stamps (300) to purchase the jetpack from Guiseppe in the Whitesprings Refuge, so having a friend add it would be a big time saver. You aren't far from getting the SS chest and Jetpack in terms of gold, but I can't think of an easy way to get that last 500 or so that you are short.

Good luck brother, hope you enjoy FO76 enough to continue streaming it for a while.

ToadinTheHoleTerry: The Automatic weapon shoots like turret gun

user-pl7ss8nz4w: DAKOTA 28

armygalhel7006: Comments count!

ericgarringer6911: You can't trust a guy with a German accent lol

Jun 28 2024

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