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Fallout 76 Shotguns got Buffed so i Crafted a Bunch of Gauss to Celebrate!!

TheBuildMiner210: I got a AA 25 weapon speed 15 reload as a regular drop from dangerous pasttimes early in the patch and I made a shotgun build for it now and its loads of fun

chris5942: If they didnt restore the range....meh. my vampire kabloom is all I need.

Momofukudoodoowindu: I like shotguns but for outdoor VATs engagements (so most of the game) they really struggle. VATs accuracy is greatly based on the weapons range, aka the lower the weapons range the frustrating it is in VATs. Being able to rapidly chain headshots on waves of incoming enemies is pretty important for a weapon being a viable daily driver. I found myself having to basically run straight up to enemies in order to utilize VATs and then asking myself why I wasn’t just running melee instead

Darkmatt3rPlays: When did the buff happen ? How recent we talking about ?

maxhaly1612: I've been using the cold shoulder since it was first added as my main weapon, and it's been obliterating everything with ease so I never even knew shotguns were even in need of a buff.

jdh9676: I love the Gauss SG. Thanks for giving it some love. I have six on my weapon wheel. It's my fave weapon and build by a good margin. Just rolled an AA50vhc after watching the vid. With the Refined Receiver and Short Scope accuracy is noticeably if not significantly improved over my other Gauss shottys. All of which are 50crit variants with Prime Receiver. I really don't NEED the Prime Receiver on any but an AA for the SBQ, though. So maybe I'll roll some more 50vhc variants, slap a Refined Receiver on 'em, and mix it up a bit? Heck might try it with my Q and B 50crit, anyway. Anyway this thing is big FUN. I use it for everything...and I mean EVERYTHING. Except Tea Time and stuff like that. And very close quarters because I'll kill myself. Ha. But otherwise? Its AMAZING. I feel bad for those spoiled by its previous outrageous range. This weapon as of today has incredible range. Especially for a shotgun! It biggest issue is its VATs accuracy imo. Hopefully it can be addressed. And its glitched in first person with the "stuck bug." So I use it in 3rd person. Its easy to get used to. Grest, FUN weapon.

xajeyx: Shotguns are back?.... Time to re roll some Kablooms an Pepper Shakers

Panda165YouTube: Just got a Bloody FFR 1 Perception one drop at a Fasnacht parade, is it any good ?

mrnobody043: Should be fun with the Cold Shoulder shotty ! The Gauss shotty is cool, but honestly.. might as well use the Gauss rifle, the mechanism is exactly the same.. but with much better range. So, there's that..

Ed_Crane: Unfortunately Gauss shotgun is still very much glitched, which is really infuriating as Gauss shotgun main

ravenwolf8632: Well going to tell you, you're going to put them back again after the legendary update goes live. Gauss Shotguns got neutered with the change to legendary effects and all effects are now being calculated when fired, not when projectiles hit.

Jul 09 2024

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