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Fallout 76 Shattered Grounds The New Handmade. Junkies Explosive in 2024?

horridfuture3835: Literally a joke that this can’t be rerolled. Waste of resources Bethesda tbh.

SheepAmongG.O.A.T: I used to wonder why tubers would use the handmade over the fixer, then I started using mine. Then I saw why. The no recoil compared to the fixer was awesome. Fixer is great for vats only. Handmade is great for vats and manual aim.

ragtop63: Server damage register has been a huge issue for me lately. I can empty an entire magazine and not do any damage sometimes.

justanother240: I found this for about 1k cap in someone's vending machine last week. Seems solid for a Junkie's build. Not that I would ever do drugs.

foxx4787: I love the explosive effect because of how it sounds, but I was noticing that it seemed to miss a lot more with grenadier on at level 2 then without any grenadier on at all. Even just on super mutants walking towards me. I kept it off for peace of mind even though I assumed it was just me missing the numbers. Interesting to see that it is indeed a collision check issue with the server. Unfortunate that the crackle sound is not worth the headache of potential issues

prodjlane: Very strange that they make great weapons like the Red Terror, Ticket to Revenge, and the new unique energy weapons, but then add literal scrip to the unique rewards

RafaelSantos-pi8py: Unique weapons should be that, unique, have characteristics that others don't have, like Ticket to Revenge being double ammo or Anchorage Ace being silenced. This is just like any other mediocre roll handmade.

MATTY-G-HULL: Been a Junkies Explosive handmade pvp build for years. I keep buying these from camps for a couple hundred caps

nxcrobutcher: I'll probably main this for my free aim commando just because the skin is cool. This game is too easy for me to care about optimizing

Donsdoom: I do not like 25 faster fire rate on a laggy public server...not at all. Pretty much a wasted star in my experience especially if you throw in gun-fu. I can fire off 3-5shots just on the target switch that hit absolutely nothing. On a public server I would rather have 50hits hit chance if I am shooting with any real range or 50 crit damage if right in front of the enemy.

fifteen8: Thanks, Turtle. I have been collecting weapons but have no space left, so I'm deleting poor weapons I never use. I'll scrip this one!

Jun 30 2024

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