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Fallout 76 Season 18 Milepost Zero Country Road

N00bStArDamuS: Gotta say .. the rewards looks so underwhelming compared to the older Seasons .. and older Scoreboards ..

asfgaming7849: Please bring back old scoreboard. We are bagging you please

zanereepa: Wall mounted walkway looks great. Now if onky we had budget to build it. Keep. Adding adding we keep buying but 15 percent more is needed

GreggyAck: We’ve finally done it. We’ve finally got what we always wanted in video games. The most exciting feature imaginable. A pillar display.

F4LCONHE4VY-lg2gr: Bethesda should do this. Bring back the old scoreboard. Increase Camp budget and size. Increase stash box to 2000. Increase Mannequin limit to way more than just 5. Put new events. Put more music on the Appalachian Radio. Have an ally as a companion during your journey and missions.

ricebrown1: Bring back the old scoreboard. Tickets are trash.

el_yar: Zero Content Update

clugzo: Looks like they rummaged a dumpster and offering what was in it as a prize .

KeanuRave: Such a let down

shawnwilliams7757: So hey when are we getting new music

TiberiousGreene: Most will be level 90-95-100

With nothing cool prior to 90 lol

Diego-hh3wd: I see half the season rewards are locked behind fallout 1st again. Such greed.

Sep 02 2024

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