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Fallout 76 Season 18 First Look ALL NEW Rewards New Datamine

smithbuilt: Erm that still sucks. Far to much paint

jhcali71: I’d love to display more in my camps, but camp budgets are a killer.

tattedandgatted: As someone who shoots and just got back from the range, it really bothers me that the fixer which is a .45 is more powerful amd has mire range than the handmade which is a 5.56 but looks like an AK. They need to bring in the 7.62x39 for a rifle option.

stitchfan08: It looks like the rewards are better this time around im glad we know the day the season is ending so we can get more tickets to spend before it ends plus i think that game board collector will be a shop item or a 100 rank reward

chill_will9816: I think the cacti look fake because they're movie props (goes w/ the western movie backdrop)

Shuttle9: The rewards are in fact NOT better. They all feel like basic rewards you should get from Station vendors for caps. I wish they would actually listen to us for once.

echo8168: We need more Camp space

biostemm: Don't we already have rusted weapon skins from the responders vendor at the lumber mill?

BoJangles42: NGL this looks even lamer than the current season. I think I’ll skip it entirely. Got a backlog to tend to anyway.

obiwanboo7126: I am thoroughly unimpressed.

Aug 13 2024

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