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Fallout 76 Scraping Thousands of Legendary Items.

JWPshenigans: Just scrapped 320 items! Can’t wait until I unlock my first mod!!!

zvijer2960: I scapped about 10 items, 4-5 Mutant slayers, 4-5 Troubleshooter's, one Vampire. and what do I get, Vampire's plan, which I'm very happy with.

ChrisWellejus: My legendary cores did not get converted they are just gone, had over 3000.

peterwahn9404: When voice nd look are not compatible.

henrikstolpe: I scrapped 650 weapons and armor. Unlocked 11 modplans, and 18 modboxes. Including unyielding 2 modboxes and 1 wepweight 1 powered. So now my SS armor i very close to perfect! And the new END perks are great!

FormerRuling: 40 minutes in, and he has unlocked every meta relevent second star and third star for both weapons and armor except AP refresh for armor.

This included hitting both 50crit and 25ffr within the first 100 scrapped weapons.

Juking404: I'm 15 minutes in and your luck is insane lol

PiMpiNx187: So the only thing new is scrapping legendarys seems boring

peterturczi7601: I scrapped over 200 3 star legendaries and havent learned anything... just added 4 boxes...this isn't good.

beastabuelos6421: I unlocked anti armor, explosive, critical damage and ap refresh. Some of my most desired effects. Still need crit charge, ammo weight reduced and reduced weight for weapons, but I've had a great start

MrSteffyboy58: Hey Turtle. I'm confused on the mods situation. Do you have to scrap legendaries to get the mods to learn them or can you buy them?

I'm not sure whether to sell them to the vending machines or keep them. I've got 4000 script...what do i do with them? Many thanks.

Sep 05 2024

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