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Fallout 76_ scoreboard glitch unlimited ranks free

RIZZYFLOURS: Ill pass...

It on to all my friends thanks bro

savagepeacemaker: This looks like a good way to get banned if Bethesda can track it. lol. cool trick tho

n1c2c8: So just to confirm, you use the lag caused by Fastnacht and the server weirdness to allow you to basically re-roll completed weeklies which then basically can result in a refresh of the whole list of weeklies that you can get SCORE for. Like around 12-13K if you have the scoreboard boosters or even more if you use a consumable boost on top of that.

manamancer: Keep in mind Bethesda def passes out bans based on how much

jaysworld9388: Do you just mean server hop or go private?

thelakeshorestrangler2323: I just like to play legit. I've never understood cheating in online games. It proves nothing. I couldn't feel good about being fraudulent.

I guess that's just me. Some people don't have any dignity and that's fine. I just like knowing that I'm legitimate.

chrismay9477: What a surprise. Bugthesda touched something in the game and broke it. Every single thing they do is a new level of incompetence.

WhiZsKeRs: Why cant people just play the freaking game man. Smh.

thomaslewis5817: when you get to level 150 on the board you can buy the bonus things as many times you want it's not a bug it's designed that way and also you can carry on levelling up pasta 150 so you can carry on getting tickets to buy more

Kennoxxy: There are no bugs, only features - bethesda game.

Just from what i saw in this video. While you were successful in rolling new weeklys. It seem that the server is still able to keep track of your rerolls. You went from 15 to 9. So i guess if you're alright with expending your rerolls for this, its not necessarily unlimited. Unless you fork over some atoms for more rerolls? I suppose you could wait for the free daily reroll and get one-two new one if you finish early.

I honestly hate the new scoreboard. I don't have time to grind to 140 to claim all the rewards in a timely matter. In a way, this bug feels a little like karma?

JoseRodriguez-tx1qz: I’ll give this a try, thank you bro!

Jul 05 2024

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