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Fallout 76 PTS What To Expect With Explosive Energy Weapons

chris5942: I am not expecting much. Just more annoying flashes blinding us while trying to use melee weapons on bosses.

FalloutKurier6: They should block applying explo to weapons that don’t work. A lot of people will probably waste their precious mods. Lazy devs as usual

xero3119: The best weapon for crippling limbs just got better thanks to the explosive effect

MrMetalmadic: I'd bet explosive pepper shaker might be a common site.

LautrecOfCarim: I have a memorial at my camp where I keep my formerly explosive Gatling Plasma, Flamer and Harpoon Gun on display.

I honestly don't really care how they perform after the update, it's just going to be fun to reforge some ancient relics.

stefanstoyanov7460: I can't wait for modders to port this to Fallout 4.

possumwithacowboyhat5140: I love the assaultron head, personally. It’s not a weapon, it’s more of a tool.

I’ve run bloodied for years, and always keep one on me to drop my rads to prove Nerd Rage after dying. Saves me from carrying toxic goo. I bought the imposter sheepsquatch head when it first dropped in the atom shop years ago, rolled -90 weight and use it every few minutes tbh.

FLUXXEUS: We still have some time before the the update so anything can change such as the alien blaster/disintegrator difference. Nonetheless its shaping up to be a great update overall

charlietyndall3745: Bethesda NEEDS to add an option to turn off explosive effects caused by other players. Public events like radiation rumble practically blind anyone due to cremator overuse and now we are getting more guns with explosive.

vladyoung7275: Hmmm i had all these energy weapons as explosive not to long ago...only fallout would lose half thier players taking away all our weapons, then put a ridiculous grind to get a watered down version. Smh

Aug 29 2024

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