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Fallout 76 PTS We Are Getting 4 New Perk Cards

TheSirk47: If they stay a 1star perk card this will be epic and help with the builds a lot

kompott_addict: these endurance cards are soo good for full hp vats builds, finally i dont need to run bloodied to have a huge amount of ap.

camap9235: that AP boost based on END is game changer for a full health build

crazy-tommy: I also tested it at 20 and 30 Endurance. At 30 Endurance you get 150 AP, 75 DR and 30 cryo/fire/poison/energy resist and at 20 Endurance it's 101.25 AP, 51 DR, 20 cryo/fire/poison/energy resist, 34 disease resist. It's also a buff for the Secret Service underarmor which adds 4 Endurance. For Carnivores the Pemmican Collector reward from the current season is really great with that as it generates Endurance buffs that don't spoil. The Vaccinated perk could be an alternative to the Rejuvated perk. Rank 2 Rejuvated gives 90% disease resistance from being Fed and Hydrated, while not having the perk gives "only" 70% disease resistance which you could cap out with the Vaccinated perk.

paulanthony9906: The ITV said that Iron Stomach would give Damage Reduction not just Damage Resistance. Also the changes are nice but I would personally prefer entirely new perk card names and pictures to replace the old ones. Especially with Iron Stomach and Thirst Quencher since they have nothing to do with eating or drinking anymore.

gunting: This is so nice. Since dying is inconsequential in fo76, I don't put much on END. With these maybe there are things to play about.

DaddadxGaming: If there's a lot of perk cards that would be related to diseases, would that mean that it would be much more easier for us to be infected by diseases?

damnsurfer522: Don't think I'll be running them but for those that can only share a 1 star card that is great value.

mrbobajango7482: Im glad the developers are taking a look and adjusting perk cards. I'd love to see them add new perks or seasonal special perks on the scoreboard that represent the seasonal theme. For example: Scout Accuracy- 20% damage to all bow weapons

hakjak: These perk cards will join the likes of ‘strange in numbers’ and ‘starched genes’ as cards (almost) everyone equips for any build.

eirange9935: Investing four END in total to get those boots is a nice feature, especially if you are a bloodied build. And finally, crafting/hoarding Disease Cure is a thing. I wonder, if Natural Resistance Perk Card in combination with armor perk Fire Proof can make Sizzling Style completely obsolete.

Jul 07 2024

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